IT Support

There are several different aspects to providing IT support functions to the Scout group. These various responsibilities could be held by a single person, or distributed amongst a wider group depending on the skills and interests of the volunteers.

Web Site

The management of the website can be broken down into two distinct areas, administration of the underlying WordPress platform and managing the content displayed on the site.

Website Administration

The current website utilises the WordPress platform to provide a relatively simple means of creating a robust website. In recent years automated updates to WordPress and any plugins used have reduced the effort required to continue to manage the site once created.

Website Content Management

Keeping the website frequently updated with activities of the Scout group and their sections.

Microsoft Azure

The Scout group’s charity status enables access to resources through Microsoft nonprofit scheme, providing a small number of licenses for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, $2000 in annual Azure credits and Windows licenses (+ more). The group utilises these benefits to support the running of the website and the broader leadership team.

Microsoft 365

There is an overlap with some aspects of Microsoft Azure management, but there are Microsoft 365 specific areas relating to Microsoft Office and Exchange online usage, these include:

Domain Management

The domain is registered with Cloudflare providing